Touching Lives, Improving Health

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Therapy Animal Teams in Kansas City

Mo-Kan Pet Partners is a local Community Partner of Pet Partners, the nation’s largest and most prestigious nonprofit registering handlers of multiple species as volunteer teams providing Animal-Assisted Interventions. Our volunteers are trained and evaluated through Pet Partners processes. At a local level, we assist our members as they serve the health and educational facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, mental health programs, Veterans services, hospice organizations, schools) as well as camps, libraries, and community events.
Our members enjoy social opportunities, mentoring and ongoing educational enrichment.

Mo-Kan Pet Partners volunteers serve diverse populations of people with any of the nine, species of animals we register. We are committed to creating a volunteer force that is representative of the populations we serve. We welcome unique perspectives and experiences in terms of national origin, culture, socioeconomic background, ethnicity, race, color, sex, gender identity and expression, education, age, languages spoken, veteran status, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and beliefs, which help us strengthen our impact.


Meet a few of our therapy team members




(See more events on our Facebook Page: Mo-Kan Pet Partners)


Mo-Kan Pet Partner teams recently visited the National Cancer Survivors Day Event at the Gilda’s Club and were a big hit! Thankfully the weather was agreeable for our furry partners.

Mo-Kan Pet Partner teams recently partnered with the leadership team of Lockton Companies to support their staff. There were ample hugs and love offered by Caymus Wurst, Goldie Knuttes and Lucile and Mabel Stadler resulting in smiles and  joy for the Lockton staff.


Mo-Kan teams Teresa Ellis with Riley and June Dobson with Truman brought holiday cheer to the staff of KSHB 41.
Mo-Kan animal partners Captain Schwartz and Harley Quinn Lanksford enjoy a pup cup at the Menorah Medical Center’s Starbucks following their visit to patients.


On Saturday, August 10th at 11:00 a.m., join us at the Parkville Branch to celebrate all the amazing readers and programs from Summer at MCPL. Look at all the fun everyone had with Read to a Pet ( Mo-Kan Pet Partners), Campfire Yoga, and Brother John’s African Folk Tales ( Brother John)!


Kathy and Rusty Freeze, Tim and Chance McHenry, Jenny and Tom Tasche and Teresa and Riley Ellis brought many smiles to the staff of Nebraska Furniture Mart during their recent  participation in the company’s recent wellness fair.



Recent requests for Special Event visits have produced many smiles among area students and staff. Activities supporting campus finals as well as Mental Health Awareness month at Mid-America University, Olathe North High, Bridges Academy, UMKC, Kansas City University and Swope Health Services included several WONDERFUL Mo-Kan Pet Partners teams. Heartfelt thanks to:

Walt and Cinnabun Davis

Cailee and Neely Crist

Steve and Lexi Lu Small

Shery and Quinn Fetterman

Jenny and Lady Wiley

Tina and Presley Strub

Tina and Beamer Strub

Rosan and Joker Bowers

Elaine and Mo Bowers

Jenny and Major Tom Tasche


New Pet Partners team; Carol Regan and partner Sofie Grace began their visiting career December 1 at a local elementary school. Sofie listened patiently for last minute instructions and then confidently connected with many children through reading. A trip to Starbucks for a post visit treat capped off a fabulous first day.


MO-KAN Pet Partners in the News!

Mo-Kan Pet Partners at John Knox Village: Click here
Recently, KCTV5 News Kansas City had the pleasure of chatting about Mo-Kan’s pet therapy program and how it’s making a difference at the Village Care Center!
Kerrigan, along with Mo-Kan Pet Partners Regional Instructor Julie Goodman and Activities Manager Mark Salvatore, showcases how these incredible therapy animals bring comfort, joy, and companionship to our residents.

Click here to view KMBC interview.

Click here to view Fox 4 – Therapy Animals During a Pandemic

Click here to view article about Pet Partners in the Josephine Magazine:



St. Joseph Pet Partners in the News:

Therapy dogs at MWSU
Click here to watch Therapy Animals from St Joseph, Mo bringing joy to students during finals.


Julie Goodman and Jordan on KMBC.  Julie explains the importance of the animal-human bond.

The link below will take you to the KMBC video.


Fox 4 shot video at Woodneath Library in Liberty, Mo on January 22, 2018, to showcase Pet Partners READ WITH ME program.

Reading to dogs

Dogs: They're the best listeners. ???? How cool is this? Kids at Woodneath Library Center got to read to some precious pups on Monday to practice their reading skills and gain some confidence, too. Video by FOX4's Alex Bruns.

Posted by FOX 4 News Kansas City on Monday, January 22, 2018

Our Leadership Team

Brady Crist, Financial Manager


Brady Crist and Neely

Amy Wurst, Evaluation Coordinator


Julie Goodman, Instructor

Alice Sharp, Webmaster

Joelle Kozik, Facebook Coordinator

Member Support Coordinators:  Rosan Bowers  & Elaine Bowers


Pet Partners Community Partner  #40177

P.O. Box 7496  Overland Park, Kansas 66207

Are you interested in becoming involved with Mo-Kan Pet Partners?

Contact us today for more information!

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